Insights From Communication Professionals
Guide To Cloud Communications
The Busy Person's Guide to Cloud Communications THE BUSY PERSON’S GUIDE TO CLOUD COMMUNICATIONS: As children, we discover that the cloud, like a snowflake, aren’t all created the same. There are cirrus clouds (wispy), cumulus clouds (white and fluffy) and stratus clouds (sheet-like) varieties with a seemingly endless number of sub-varieties. In the same way, cloud […]
3 Keys to a Reliable Voice Network
3 Keys to reliable voice network – even during the Holidays It’s among an IT manager’s worst nightmares: a network outage during a retailer’s high volume period – Black Friday. As the holiday season kicks off and big shopping days loom, IT staff can take steps to ensure reliable voice service, even under high volume holiday conditions. […]
Millennials Change The Rules of Customer Experience
Proof Millennials are Changing the Rules of Customer Experience The baby boomer generation (those born between 1946 and 1964) has been a very dominant force in society for much of the latter half of the twentieth century and the early part of the twenty-first. However, as the baby boomers reach retirement age, their influence […]
The Great VoLTE Shift
Mobile Enterprise Q&A #1: The Great VoLTE Shift VoLTE: Enterprise mobility has been a buzzword for several years now, but a new shift is taking place, fueled by the convergence of a common IP between enterprise and mobile communications systems. This new model of communications, which seamlessly integrates the mobile and enterprise communications environments, is […]