Insights From Communication Professionals
With Cloud, You Can Weather Any Storm
With Cloud, You Can Weather Any Storm! We Promise The month of December brings with it the official end of the hurricane season and the beginning of an equally formidable threat, Old Man Winter. Hurricanes, blizzards, ice storms—it’s enough to send a chill down the strongest network backbone. That’s because natural disasters can test even […]
Who Is The Mobile Customer?
Who Is The Mobile Customer? Sales, marketing and customer service professionals are all familiar with the importance of segmenting customers and understanding their buying behavior in order to successfully identify new prospects, to close opportunities and to provide continuous support. Moving into 2016 and beyond, it is more important than ever to move to a customer […]
5 Headset Etiquette Rules
5 Essential Business Headset Etiquette Rules Once upon a time, office workers walked around with cricks in their necks from cradling phone handsets between their heads and shoulders. Fortunately, phone technology has advanced since then. If you have a business phone like the MiVoice 5360 IP Phone, you can use a headset to both save your neck and […]
The New Mobile Workforce
Are you ready for the new way people work? The 21st Century workplace is changing, rapidly—the interplay between technology, location, culture and business is transforming where, when and how we work. For workers, this means taking control of their work/life balance, patterns of work and the devices and applications they use. Traditional commuting patterns are changing […]