Is Cloud-Mobile Convergence the Future?
A note to small and medium businesses: You can have it all with Cloud-Mobile.
That’s the message from T-Mobile and Mitel, as the two companies launch a new-look approach to the old challenge of fixed-mobile convergence (FMC) in select European markets. Marketed as Cloud & Clear, the new offering is an update to the traditional FMC goal of combining fixed (i.e., landline) and mobile phone calls into a single seamless experience that can share the same number and call features.
As its name implies, the new wrinkle in T-Mobile’s offering is the cloud, which now replaces the traditional premise-based portion of the fixed phone experience and provides a smoother migration path to the cloud for enterprises. Targeted initially to the small and medium business market, Cloud & Clear features a variety of Towner Communications technology including our collaboration, unified communications and VoIP solutions—technology that is already well entrenched in thousands of SMBs worldwide.
Recognizing that not all users have the same communications requirements, enterprises can use Cloud & Clear to select and customize user profiles based on common consumption models. Office workers, mobile workers, telecommuters and road warriors are each assigned their own set of features and services to keep costs low and productivity high.
The new solution is currently being rolled out in Europe through T-Mobile’s business partners and will enable the mobile service provider to better serve SMB customers—particularly those that are looking for a seamless migration from their current premise-based phone systems to the cloud.