Insights From Communication Professionals
2017 NAWBO Women’s Business Conference
I literally just got back to my office after three days in Minneapolis attending the 2017 National Women’s Business Conference hosted by NAWBO, or as we NAWBO’ers call it “the NAWBOWBC”. Yep. I am tired from three days of conferencing and all the fun that goes with it but I am also energized and excited to […]
IHS: Mitel A North American UCaaS Leader
In May 2017, we published our North American UCaaS Scorecard, where we evaluated the top ten UC as a service (UCaaS) providers. The purpose of the Scorecard is to determine which service providers currently lead the market for UCaaS and are best positioned to succeed in the long term based on a set of criteria. The UCaaS […]
The 8 Reasons that Video Conferencing is Better
This post originally appeared on IPro Media. The world is changing quickly. With the many technological advances of video conferencing (combined with the rapid adoption rate), we must ask ourselves: why bother with in-person conferencing anymore? The truth is that we really shouldn’t. Here are 8 compelling reasons to go with video conferencing instead. 1. Saving […]
Customer Engagements May Be Wasting Your Time and Money
If your idea of contact center technology involves rows of agents auto-dialing customers, think again. The truth is any business with customers (i.e., every business) can use contact center technology to better handle its customer engagements and serve its internal customers. The result? A seamless, omni-channel customer experience and increased internal productivity. Watch the video below […]